

September 1, 2014 - September 7, 2014


[C] Scheduling Algorithm for Downlink Network of Military Satellite Systems
[A] Node Discovery Scheme of DDS using Dynamic Bloom Filters

22% Progress
Last Week's Progress

[C] Scheduling Algorithm for Downlink Network of Military Satellite Systems
1. Insert more detailed explain in the related work part.
2. study Opnet & operating special scenario for satellite downlink simulator(LEO)

[B] Choose paper for NSL seminar

This Week Todo's

[C] Scheduling Algorithm for Downlink Network of Military Satellite Systems
1. Insert more detailed explain in the related work part. (Done)
2. study Opnet & operating special scenario for satellite downlink simulator(LEO)

[B] Prepare NSL seminar for MILCOM using Yangwei's paper.

Project Progress

Message Oriented Management and Analysis Tool (Season 3)

5% Progress
Last Week's Project

[A] research about new task for distribution of MOMAT.
1. check the workload for make a plan.
2. separate task depend on previous work.
3. Request cooperation to IDAS for renewal GUI.
4. Make guide line for develop and modify program.

This Week's Project

[A] Make new GUI version (100%)
a. co-work with IDAS member
b. make new GUI Design and already get allow about it.

Monthly Goals

1. 빚잔치.
2. 논문 수정 마무리.
3. MOMAT 새 계획 수립

Annual Goals

MOMAT 삼성 탈레스에 배포 및 유지 보수 관리