

4월 12, 2023 - 4월 18, 2023


Title1: Road Surface types classification using transfer learning for accident prevention(Ongoing)
Title2: Light weight CNN model for object detection
Title3: Improved yolo model for black ice detection (KICS accepted)

50% Progress
Last Week's Progress

->Paper survey on Transformer(assigned task)
->Completed dataset preprocessing part(writing)

This Week Todo's

-> Complete result discussion and performance evaluation(writing)
->Contribute to the project(task given by leader)

Project Progress

Black Ice detection

50% Progress
Last Week's Project

->Working with an issue of YOLOV6
->Learning Transformer(given by leader)

This Week's Project

->Task assigned by the project leader
->Learn how to implement Transformer in deep learning

Monthly Goals

->Complete paper(Title 1)
->Attend Seminar
->Contribute on title 2

Annual Goals

1.Complete at least two Journal Papers
2.Complete 3 Domestic Conference Papers
3.Complete at least two International Conferences