

4월 17, 2023 - 4월 23, 2023



7% Progress
Last Week's Progress

-Resumed survey paper on the approach to the fork delay problem
-Broke down the security features of digital wallet for a security-level test approach
-Finalized seminar presentation

This Week Todo's

- Prepare and Present Fork Delay Presentation
- Continue Research about Security Features
- Prepare for Midterm and KICS Paper

Project Progress

Blockchain (Medical Record)

6% Progress
Last Week's Project

- Collaborated with Dr Saviour to gain deeper insights into the smart contract implementation for our project.
- Continue studying smart contract technology and explore potential applications for our project.
- Brainstormed ideas and proposed updates to our current smart contract model.

This Week's Project

- Developed a simple program to demonstrate the implementation of smart contract with the required features.
- Discussed the updated smart contract of MIR with Dr. Saviour to analyze and identify its ideal design.

Monthly Goals

- Finalize research area
- Finish the smart contract course
- Present at the NSL seminar
- Determine the research area

Annual Goals

- Submit to an international journal paper
- Submit to two domestic conferences