Title 1: RF-Based Drone Detection Using AI Models: Results, Trends, and Open Issues
Target: KICS Fall 2022 (Accepted)
Title 2: Multimodal Fusion-Based Model
for hand Gesture Recognition in Robotic Surgery (Research)
Title 3: A Deep Learning Aberrant Intrusion Detection framework for Virtual Reality Wireless Network
Towards a Secured Metaverse. (Almost completed)
Title 4: Medical IoT Record Security and Blockchain: Survey of Milieu, Milestones and Momentum ==
Blockchain Medical IoT (BMI) Project (Completed)
Target: Undecided
Title 5: DIGIChain: A Novel Blockchain Framework for Secured Medical Record Fidelity and Authorisation
(Tentative) == BMI
-Meeting with Prof kim.
-Effected changes /correction in my title paper.
-Responded to course work and assignments.
- surveyed 2 papers on VR Security and 1 paper on SDN security.
- To round up with paper title 3 journal.
- To meet with Dr. Cosmas with respect to journal submission.
- To continue with paper survey on medical record authorisation and updated my section on overleaf.
-To commence KICs paper.
Development of a Blockchain-Based Model for Medical IoT Surgical Robot
- project meeting with blockchain team with regards to system design.
- surveyed 2 paper on medical record authorisation and updated my section on overleaf.
- Presented progress report at capstone class.
-To continue with paper survey on medical record preservation using blockchain technology.
-To continue updating my section on overleaf. (OVERVIEW OF MEDICAL RECORD AUTHORISATION).
-To report my progress based on the role assigned to me.
-To complete everything about title 3 paper writing.
-To submit paper to IEEE internet of things journal.
-To commence research on cyber-security threat intelligence (CTI)/ software defined network (SDN).
- To Commence and complete a short version of paper title 3 and submit to a conference
-To submit at least 4 conference paper.
-To attend at least 3 conference.
-To submit at least 2 journals