

9월 8, 2014 - 9월 14, 2014


1.A] "Design and Implementation of Alarm and Monitoring System for Ship Engines", In Preparation, IEEE Journal of Ocean Engineering, 2014.

[2.A] "Novel Dynamic Load balancing algorithm for Wireless LANs" In Preparation,ICNIT 2015. (Deadline: 10th September)

[3.A] "Dynamic Load balancing algorithm for Industrial Wireless Networks" In Preparation,IEEE WCNC 2015.(Deadline: 15th September)

10% Progress
Last Week's Progress

[1]: Wholly updated paper and waiting feedback from Professor

[2]: Waiting feedback to update and submit to ICNIT 2015

[3]: studying how to improve paper including new performance metrics.

This Week Todo's

[1]Submit to Journal

[2]submit to ICNIT 2015

[3]: Continue study mathematical models of system performance metrics in industrial wireless networks

Project Progress

Modelling of marine engines in ship propulsion control system

10% Progress
Last Week's Project

Contacted with Linh and clarified most important tasks that should be done first. Only five propulsion system parts should be modeled: GT, EPM, GB, CPP and DG.

- Found references to model GB (Gear Box)
- Started making Simulink model of GB

This Week's Project

- Continue modeling GB using Simulink based on References

Monthly Goals

Submit at least 2 SCI journal papers and some Conference

Annual Goals

Submit at least 4 SCI journal papers and some Conference