

4월 24, 2023 - 4월 30, 2023


Name: Njoku, Judith Nkechinyere (20225053)

Date: 2023.04.24

Paper 1: Review of Digital Twin Models for Battery management Systems.
Target: IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems.

Paper 2: Multi-Feature Fusion for Speech Dependent Automatic Speaker Identification in Autonomous Vehicles.
Target: IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles.

Paper 3: Building a Metaverse for Transportation Systems: A Brief Review.
Target: ICUFN (Accepted).

Paper 4: Model comparison and selection for NMC battery digital twin development using PyBaMM.
Target: JCCI (Accepted).
Paper 5: Multi-Feature Concatenation for Speech Dependent Automatic Speaker Identification in Autonomous Vehicles.
Target: ICMIC
Paper 6: Real-Time Digital Twin for Battery Management Systems using MATLAB and Unreal Engine.
Target: KICS Summer (Writing)

70% Progress
Last Week's Progress

Paper 1: Paper submitted. Awaiting reviewers’ decision.
Paper 2: Re-implementing baseline models..
Paper 3: Accepted. Pending conference registration.
Paper 4: Accepted. Conference registration.
Paper 5: Finetuning version submitted to IEEE-IV for submission.
Paper 6: Writing paper introduction.

This Week Todo's

Paper 1: Awaiting reviewers’ decision.
Paper 2: continue working on baseline models. Developing novel weighted average ensemble approach based on Sigmoid scaling.
Paper 3: Awaiting reviewers’ decision.
Paper 4: Prepare powerpoint presentation.
Paper 5: Complete and submit paper.
Paper 6: Write paper methodology.

Project Progress

Metaverse and Digital Twin Assisted Battery Pack Management

50% Progress
Last Week's Project

1.Experimenting with MATLAB and Unreal Engine for data transmission.
2.Continuous guidance of project members.

This Week's Project

1. Try sending test data from MATLAB to Simulink.
2.Try sending battery data from MATLAB to Simulink.

Monthly Goals

1.Complete and submit review paper
2.Complete ICMIC conference paper
3.Complete APCC conference paper
4.Complete review to rejected paper
5.Complete course on “Introduction to Battery Management Systems”.
6.Study at least 70% of Unreal Engine course

Annual Goals

1.Master Digital Twin development tools.
2.Complete at least Three Journal Papers.
3.Attend at least three Domestic Conference.
4.Attend at least two International Conferences.
5.Build a Digital twin for Battery systems.
6.Build an ensemble Model for virtual assistants in the Metaverse/Autonomous vehicles.

2022 Goals Achieved

International Journal
1.IET Intelligent Transportation Systems Journal (Volume 17, Issue 1, January 2023)

International Conference
1.ICTC 2022
2.APCC 2022

Domestic Conference
1.KICS Winter 2022
2.KICS Summer 2022
3.KICS Fall 2022