

5월 1, 2023 - 5월 7, 2023


Title1: Road Surface types classification using transfer learning for accident prevention
Title2: Light weight CNN model for object detection
Title3: Improved yolo model for black ice detection (KICS accepted)

70% Progress
Last Week's Progress

->Simulation on custom dataset on selected 4 different transfer learning models(Title 1)
->Paper survey on Transformer

This Week Todo's

->Complete and Finalize paper(winter intensive)

->Start writing a paper(Target:ICMIC 2023)

Project Progress

Black Ice detection

50% Progress
Last Week's Project

->Simulation of Vision Transformer
->Dataset centralization

This Week's Project

->Fix the error (Vision Transformer)
->Assigned task from project

Monthly Goals

1. start writing a paper (Target:ICMIC 2023)
2. Submit paper(winter intensive)
3. Submit KICS summer
4. Continue online courses

Annual Goals

1. Publish conference papers (Domestic/International)

3. Publish at least one Journal(SCI/SCIE)

3. Study computer vision with state of the art models

4. Gain skill on Python Programming and Machine Learning