Title 1: Aerial Supervision of Drones and Other Flying Objects Using Convolutional Neural Networks
Target: ICAIIC 2022 Conference (Accepted)
Title 2: Enhanced Deep Learning Scheme Based On PANet for Real-Time Detection of Tomato Diseases.
Target: IEEE Intelligent Systems (Under Review)
Title 3: Hierarchical Intrusion Detection System for Secured Military Drone Network: A Perspicacious
Target: MILCOM 2022 (Accepted)
Title 4: VisioNET Dataset: An Aerial Dataset for Scenario-Based Multi-Drone Detection and Identification
Research (Anti-drone project)
Target: IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems
Title 5: Scalable Out-of-Core Learning Model for Intrusion Detection System on the Internet of Drones
Target: KICS Summer 2022 (Accepted)
Title 6: Vision-Based Framework for Aerial Recognition of Drones and Birds in Ground-to-Air Networks
Target: IoT Elsevier (Under Review)
Title 7: Cyber Edge Intelligent Intrusion Detection Framework For UAV Network Based on Random Forest
Target: ICTC 2022 (Accepted)
Title 8: Efficient Intrusion Detection Model for Securing the Communication Links of Internet of Drone
Network (2022 Summer Intensive)
Target: Tentative
Title 9: RF-RSCV: Robust Security Framework Against Intrusions in the Internet of Drone Communication
Target: Journal of Communications and Networks (Under review)
Title 10: Mobility-Compliant Model in Drone-Based Sniffing Technique for Aerial Surveillance and Security
Target: KICS Fall 2022 (Accepted)
Title 11: DATA-FedAVG: Delay-Aware Truncated Accuracy-Based Federated Averaging for Intrusion Detection
in UAV Network (2023 Winter Intensive)
Target: KICS Journal
Title 12: Security and Preservation of Medical IoT Record: A Survey (Project Collaboration)
Target: IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics (Under Review)
Title 13: Tentative
Target: KICS 2023 Summer
Title 14: SAEFed: Straggler-Agnostic Efficient Federated Algorithm for Intrusion Detection in Mobile Edge-Assisted UAV Network
MSc Thesis: Submitted
Title 2: Under review
Awaiting reviewers’ comments
Title 6: Under review
Awaiting reviewers’ comments
Title 8: Summarize the paper after the thesis defense
Title 9: Under review
Awaiting reviewers’ comments
Title 11: Minor revision
Title 13: Sketched out the paper road map
Title 14: Thesis Journey
i. Concluded with thesis writing
ii. Ran plagiarism and grammar checks
iii. Submitted to my supervisor for scrutiny
Title 2: Under review
Awaiting reviewers’ comments
Title 6: Under review
Awaiting reviewers’ comments
Title 8: Paused after thesis defense
Title 9: Under review
Awaiting reviewers’ comments
Title 11: Attend to review comments
Title 13: Begin paper writing
Title 14: Prepare presentation for defense
iii. Present my thesis to NSL members
Development of a Blockchain-based Model for Medical IoT Surgical Robot
Had a brainstorming session with team members on how to possibly implement the proposed model
i. Work on survey paper with other members for submission to another journal
ii. Survey more papers on blockchain technology for the design of digital health certificates
i. Complete and submit paper 8 for possible publication
ii. Submit a paper to KICS conference
iii. Submit a paper to ICMIC
i. Acquire at least 2 journal publications (in the pipeline)
ii. Submit and get acceptance to all domestic and international conferences approved by the professor
iii. Design a hybrid model for optimal drone detection:
Vision technique: (100% completed)
Sniffing technique: (20%) (paused)
iv. Submit and defend my thesis
v. Become an AI expert in both ML and DL techniques (still progressing)