Title 1. (Conf.) Node Discovery Scheme of DDS using Dynamic Bloom Filters (ETFA'2014 WIP)
Title 2. (Conf.) Efficient matching QoS scheme of DDS using Bloom Filters (INDIN 2015)
Title 3. (Jour.) Node Discovery Scheme of DDS using Dynamic Bloom Filters (Elsevier Information Fusion)
Title 4. (Jour.) Efficient routing in interference-aware cognitive radio networks (Wireless Personal Communications)
[A]. Title 1.
- Prepare Presentation and Poster
- Buy flight ticket
- Prepare travel schedule
[B]. Title 2.
- Continue to Implement the SDP scheme on the testbed for the simulation using Java language
[C]. Title 3.
- Create complexity analysis section for Proposed Idea
[A]. Title 4. Waiting for website maintenance for submission.
[A]. Title 1.
- Attend ETFA conference and present the result
[B]. Title 2.
- Continue to Implement the SDP scheme on the testbed for the simulation using Java language
[C]. Title 3.
- Send the paper to the correction service
[A]. Title 4. Waiting for website maintenance for submission.
MOMAT server
- integrate new Docking library into MOMAT project
- Create login GUI and Database process for login
- Create tree view panel on Main Window first initialization
- Integrate GUI form to the Database
[A] Finish and Submit Efficient routing in interference-aware cognitive radio networks paper to Wireless Personal Communications
[B]. Create simulation environment for new DDS paper
2 journal SCI paper and 3 conference papers