

5월 15, 2023 - 5월 21, 2023


* Title1: IoT-Assisted Intelligent Vehicle Tracking System Using Cloud Computing (ICTC 2022: Accepted and Published)

* Title2: (Winter Intensive): Blockchain Private Key Storage System using Nano IoT. (Submitted)

*Collaboration with Simeon, Saviour, Ursula and Abubakar Dini:
Title3: Medical IoT Record Security and Blockchain: Survey of Milieu, Milestones, and Momentum

*Collaboration with Simeon, Saviour, Vivian, Ursula and Abubakar Dini:
Title4: DIGIChain: A Patient-Centric Blockchain Framework for Secured Medical Record Fidelity and Authorization

*Title 5: Improved IoT-Assisted and Cloud Computing Orchestrated Room Temperature Control System for
Smart Home(Target: KICS Summer 2023)

48% Progress
Last Week's Progress

*Continued with KICS paper writing

This Week Todo's

*Continue with KICS paper writing

Project Progress

Blockchain for Medical Records

50% Progress
Last Week's Project

*Continued to study about NFT and how to use NFT to create Digital certificate

This Week's Project

*Continue to study about NFT and how to use NFT to create Digital certificate

Monthly Goals

*Learn and understand NFT.

*Start applying NFT to the smart contract for the project.

Annual Goals

* Complete at least two conference papers and get acceptance.

* Attend at least two conferences.

* Complete at least two journal papers and get at least one published.