

5월 30, 2023 - 6월 5, 2023


Title 1: RF-Based Drone Detection Using AI Models: Results, Trends, and Open Issues
Target: KICS Fall 2022 (Accepted)

Title 2: Multimodal Fusion-Based Model
for hand Gesture Recognition in Robotic Surgery (Research)

Title 3: A Deep Learning Aberrant Intrusion Detection framework for Virtual Reality Wireless Network
Towards a Secured Metaverse. (Submitted)

Title 4: Secured Metaverse: Deep Learning-based Intrusion Detection System for the Internet of Virtual
Reality Things
Target: Internet of Things Elsevier

Title 5: Towards Anomaly Detection in Internet of Virtual Reality(IoVR)
Target: KICS SUMMER 2023(Completed)

Title 6:Leveraging Deep Learning for Anomaly Detection
in AIS for Secured Maritime NavigationTarget: ICMIC 2023

Title 7: Medical IoT Record Security and Blockchain: Survey of Milieu, Milestones and Momentum ==
Blockchain Medical IoT (BMI) Project (Submitted)
Target: IEEE survey and tutorials

Title 8: DIGIChain: A Novel Blockchain Framework for Secured Medical Record Fidelity and Authorization
Target: KICS SUMMER 2023 (Completed)

50% Progress
Last Week's Progress

Title 3: Underreview
Awaiting reviewers' comments

Title 4: Underview
Awaiting reviewers' comments

Title5: KICS 2023 Submitted
i) Concluded with paper writing
ii) Ran plagiarism and grammar checks
iii) Submitted

-Responded to coursework and assignment(slides preparation/paper presentations).

-Commenced title 6 paper writing (ICMIC 2023).

-Concluded with system methodology and performance Evaluation.

-Respond to course work and assignment

This Week Todo's

Title 3: Under review
Awaiting reviewers' comments

Title 4: Under view
Awaiting reviewers' comments

Title 5:KICS 2023

-To conclude with title 6 paper writing (ICMIC 2023).
-To run editioral/ plagarism check
-To submit paper
-To respond to coursework and assignments.

Project Progress

Development of a Blockchain-Based Model for Medical IoT Surgical Robot percentntage

50% Progress
Last Week's Project

i) Surveyed 2 papers on digital certificate.

ii) Updated the technical team with information based on previous paper surveyed.

iii) Updated the "Related work" section on overleaf

This Week's Project

Brainstorming session with team members on the following:

i) Divide the application function into Onchain.
ii) Validate function for each entity.

My Task allocation: UI design, application development, NFT minting, Backend.

To Report on exsiting frameworks of Digital certificate.

Monthly Goals

-To commence survey on software defined network security.

-To identify and choose a problem to solve in SDN.

Annual Goals

-To submit at least 2 journal papers.

-To submit at least 3 conference papers.

-To attend at least 3 conferences.