

7월 4, 2023 - 7월 10, 2023


Paper research * Title1: IoT-Assisted Intelligent Vehicle Tracking System Using Cloud Computing (ICTC 2022: Accepted and Published)

* Title2: (Winter Intensive): Blockchain Private Key Storage System using Nano IoT. (Submitted)

*Collaboration with Simeon, Saviour, Ursula and Abubakar Dini:
Title3: Medical IoT Record Security and Blockchain: Survey of Milieu, Milestones, and Momentum (completed)

*Collaboration with Simeon, Saviour, Vivian, Ursula and Abubakar Dini:
Title4: DIGIChain: A Patient-Centric Blockchain Framework for Secured Medical Record Fidelity and Authorization (completed)

*Title 5: IoT-Assisted and Cloud Computing Orchestrated Room Temperature Control System for
Smart Home(Target: KICS Summer 2023) (completed).

Title 6: Two-state Driver Drowsiness Detection in a smart car using CNN (Target - ICTC 2023 Conference)

Title 7: Blockchain-Assisted 11-State Distracted Driver Detection and Classification in a smart car using CNN (Target - Summer intensive 2023)

5% Progress
Last Week's Progress

*Prepared a ppt for the upcoming seminar on Thursday.

* Presented the ppt during seminar: Blockchain and deep learning based trust management
for Internet of Vehicles

This Week Todo's

*Work on literature review for title 6 and title 7

Project Progress

Blockchain for Medical Records

90% Progress
Last Week's Project

Tried to optimize the smart contract for better code performance

This Week's Project

Continue to carry out optimization on the smart contract for better code performance

Monthly Goals

* Understand how Blockchain interacts with Convolutional Neural Network CNN.

* Implement Blockchain and CNN together

Annual Goals

* Complete at least two conference papers and get acceptance.

* Attend at least two conferences.

* Complete at least two journal papers and get at least one published.