Title 1: Octopus-Inspired Robot for Underwater Exploration in Military Internet of Battle Operations Surveillance. (presented)
Title 2: Droneilliance and Detection Dynamics: A Review of Radar Techniques and Trends (presented)
Title 3: NeuroVox: Neural Network Framework for Joint EEG and Speech-Based Emotion Recognition (submitted)
Title 4: Emotion Type Recognition Scheme Using EEG Based Signals (presented) (KICS WINTER)
Title 5: Medical IoT Record Security and Blockchain: Survey of Milieu, Milestones, and Momentum (Submitted) (Rejected)
Title 6: DIGIChain: A Patient-Centric Blockchain Framework for Secured Medical Record Fidelity and Authorization (KICS SUMMER)
Title 7: Revolutionizing Data Sharing: A Blockchain-NFT Framework for Dataset Marketplaces (Summer Intensive).
Title 8: Revolutionizing Data Sharing: A Blockchain-NFT Framework for Dataset Marketplaces (ICTC 2023) (TENTAITVE).
- To finalize the smart contract for title 7
- To finalize the smart contract for title 7.
- To start writing title 7 paper
Layer 2
- Introduced myself to the project leader and get some insights about the project.
- To set up a server for layer 2 project.
- Learn more about blockchain, NFTs and developing smart contracts.
- Sumbit my winter intesive paper.
i. To submit a minimum of one conference paper.
ii. To participate in at least 5 conference.
iii To submit a minimum of 3 journal paper.
iv. To become adept at using paper writing instruments.
v. to become a professional blockchain developer.