

July 31, 2023 - August 6, 2023


Title 1: Smart Net-Metering Prediction Utilizing Attention-Based Long Short-Term Memory
Target: IEEE Journal on Smart Grid / Status: Processing

Title 2: Data-Driven Battery Digital Twin in Unreal Engine
Target: KICS Summer 2023 / Status: Accepted

Title 3: Enhanced Fault Detection in Smart Grid System using Ensemble Learning
Target: ICTC 2023

Title 4: Fault Location and Classification for N-1 Contingencies in Smart Grid using Federated Learning
Target: 2023 Summer Intensive - IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid

50% Progress
Last Week's Progress

Title 3: Baseline comparison

Title 4: Generate Dataset, Paperworks

This Week Todo's

Title 4: Deploy FL Algorithm to system. Present status to Summer Intensive phase 2

Project Progress

AI in Service

10% Progress
Last Week's Project

Initialize Project by discussing main points

This Week's Project

Start re-implementation of related works for Recommendation Systems

Monthly Goals

1. Generate initial results of Summer Intensive
2. Prepare course registration

Annual Goals

1. To attend at least 2 conferences (1/2)
2. To submit at least 2 articles (1/2)
3. Submit one SCI Journal (0/1)
4. Finalize Thesis Topic