Title 1: RF-Based Drone Detection Using AI Models: Results, Trends, and Open Issues
Target: KICS Fall 2022 (Accepted)
Title 2: Multimodal Fusion-Based Model
for hand Gesture Recognition in Robotic Surgery (Research)
Title 3: A Deep Learning Aberrant Intrusion Detection framework for Virtual Reality Wireless Network
Towards a Secured Metaverse.
Target: IEEE internet of things journal(Rejected with review comments)
Title 4: Secured Metaverse: Deep Learning-based Intrusion Detection System for the Internet of Virtual
Reality Things
Target: Internet of Things Elsevier(Under review)
Title 5: Towards Anomaly Detection in Internet of Virtual Reality(IoVR)
Target: KICS SUMMER 2023(Accepted)
Title 6:Leveraging Deep Learning for Anomaly Detection in AIS for Secured Maritime Navigation
Target: ICMIC 2023 (Accepted)
Title 7: Medical IoT Record Security and Blockchain: Survey of Milieu, Milestones and Momentum ==
Blockchain Medical IoT (BMI) Project (Submitted)
Target: IEEE survey and tutorials
Title 8: DIGIChain: A Novel Blockchain Framework for Secured Medical Record Fidelity and Authorization
Target: KICS SUMMER 2023(Accepted).
Title 9: Unraveling the Interpretability of IDS for Non- Immersive Threats Detection in Virtual Reality Networks. Summer Intensive(In progress)
Title 10: Unveiling the Black Box: Enhancing Virtual Reality Network Security with Interpretable Deep Learning-Based Intrusion Detection System. ICTC 2023(Submitted)
Title 3: Review Completed
Received comments from reviewers.(working on reveiw comments)
Title 4: Under view
Awaiting reviewers' comments
Title 6: ICMIC 2023
-Paper writing; Completed sections: 2,3 & 4 of ictc paper.
- Surveyed 2 papers on model Explainability.
-Trained three different models using the same dataset for comparison sake.
-Ran plagiarism check and submitted ICTC paper
Title 3: Review Completed
Working on review comments.
Title 4: Under review
Awaiting reviewers' comments
Title 6:ICMIC 2023
Title 10: ICTC 2023
-To train model on two other dataset and provide model explanation using SHAP.
-Continue with paper title 9 writing.(system methodology/Dataset description)
-To commence ICMIC paper slides.
-Continue with literature survey on model explainability
AI in Service Drive for Automotive Retail Dealerships
-Moved to a new project.
-New project introduction, key areas of focus, and the different phases of the project.
-Brainstorming on the different ways to approach project.
- Exploratory Data analysis.
-To update team members based on allocated task on the project slide
To be grounded with the knowledge of XAI TECHNIQUE ~LIME/SHAP
-To write and submit a conference paper to ICTC
-To finish summer intensive paper and submit to the committee
-To submit at least 3 conference papers(Done)
-To submit two journal papers
-To attend at least 3 conferences