

9월 4, 2023 - 9월 10, 2023


Paper 1: ASR-Fed: Agnostic Straggler-Resilient Semi-Asynchronous Federated Learning Technique for Secured
Drone Network
Target: IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management (Under Review)

Paper 2: Enhanced Deep Learning Scheme Based On PANet for Real-Time Detection of Tomato Diseases
Target: IEEE Intelligent Systems (Under Review)

Paper 3: Vision-Based Framework for Aerial Recognition of Drones and Birds in Ground-to-Air Networks
Target: Internet of Things (Under Review)

Paper 4: RF-RSCV: Robust Security Framework Against Intrusions in Internet of Drone Communication
Target: Journal of Communications and Networks (Awaiting Reviewers' Assignment)

Paper 5: Federated Learning with Differential Privacy for Intrusion Detection in Internet of Flying
Things: A Robust Approach
Target: ICTC 2023 (Accepted)

10% Progress
Last Week's Progress

Paper 1: Awaiting review comments
Paper 2: Awaiting review comments
Paper 3: Awaiting review comments
Paper 4: Awaiting assignment
Paper 5:
i. Prepared and submitted camera-ready
ii. Registered for the conference

This Week Todo's

Paper 1: Awaiting review comments
Paper 2: Awaiting review comments
Paper 3: Awaiting review comments
Paper 4: Awaiting assignment
Paper 5:
i. Design ppt for presentation

Tentative Research Area (Security for Internet of Military Things (IoMT))
1. Survey works on Network traffic monitoring and characterization
2. Survey works on misbehavior, intrusion, and attack detection peculiar to IoMT
3. Establish the difference between IoV and IoMT based on recent works

Project Progress

AI in Service Drive for Automotive Retail Dealerships

25% Progress
Last Week's Project

1. Performed explorative data analysis on the given datasets
2. Preprocessed dataset by removing NaN and empty columns
3. Performed feature engineering

This Week's Project

1. Select prominent features essential for predictive maintenance task
2. Continue with feature engineering to understand the relationships between dominant features and the
target class
3. Debug existing errors in my code

Monthly Goals

1. Conclude with exploratory data analysis
2. Carry out background surveys on car predictive maintenance tasks

1. Acquire in-depth knowledge about my target domain (Military informatics)
2. Understand the test-bed of available datasets, essential for conceptualizing the system models
3. Continue study on the optimization of GAN and FL models

Annual Goals

1. Submission of 2 journal papers
2. Attendance to both domestic and international conferences as approved by my supervisor