

9월 29, 2014 - 10월 5, 2014


1.Exploiting Cooperative Relay for Reliable Communications in Underwater Acoustic Sensor Networks (MILCOM 2014, in Publication)
2.Reliable and Efficient Routing Protocol for Underwater Acoustic Sensor Networks
(ICTC 2014, in Publication)
3.Exploiting Real-Time Switched Ethernet for Enhanced Network Recovery Scheme in Naval Combat System (ICTC 2014, in Publication)
4.Exploiting Cooperative Relay for Reliable Communications in Underwater Acoustic Sensor Networks (IEEE Journal of Ocean Engineering, in Submission)
5.RER: Reliable and Energy-efficient Routing Protocol for Underwater Acoustic Sensor Networks (in Preparation)

90% Progress
Last Week's Progress

1.Exploiting Cooperative Relay for Reliable Communications in Underwater Acoustic Sensor Networks
2.Dynamic Message Scheduling for ISA100.11a Industrial Wireless Networks
3.Modify the two papers according to the correction service and professor's comments.
4.RER: Reliable and Energy-efficient Routing Protocol for Underwater Acoustic Sensor Networks.

This Week Todo's

1.RER: Reliable and Energy-efficient Routing Protocol for Underwater Acoustic Sensor Networks.
2.Develop paper 1 to journal version.

Project Progress

Modelling of marine engines in ship propulsion control system

55% Progress
Last Week's Project

1.Read papers related to propulsion control system
2.Learn how to simulate dynamic system using MATLAB

This Week's Project

1.Continue reading paper related to propulsion system
2.Go on learning simulation of propulsion system with Matlab

Monthly Goals

1.Exploiting Cooperative Relay for Reliable Communications in Underwater Acoustic Sensor Networks
2.RER: Reliable and Energy-efficient Routing Protocol for Underwater Acoustic Sensor Networks.
3.Finish modifying the two papers according to the correction service.
4.Submit paper 2 to journal

Annual Goals

1.Submit all finished papers to journals
2.Finish the thesis
3.5 international conference papers, 2 journal papers