

10월 6, 2014 - 10월 12, 2014


[C] title 1 (jour.): Adaptive Spectrum Handoff Scheme for Cognitive Sensor Networks
[A] title 2 (jour.): Hybrid Energy-Aware Scheduling Based on Renewal Process in Real-Time System
[A] title 3 (jour.): Renewal process - application on energy-aware routing in cognitive radio networks
[B] title 4 (new conf.): Effective Spectrum Handoff and Power Allocation Scheme for Cognitive UWB Radio Networks

50% Progress
Last Week's Progress

[C] title 1 (jour.): wait for result and review comments from IEEE Sensors Journal.
[A] title 2 (jour.): optimization problem: evaluate performance in case of adding one more condition about multi-task interference
[A] title 3 (jour.): simulation: compare proposed scheme to conventional routing schemes (still in progress).
[B] title 4 (new conf.): Network model of cognitive UWB radio: using seminar paper's model to finish system model of this paper.

This Week Todo's

[C] title 1 (jour.): wait for result and review comments from IEEE Sensors Journal.
[A] title 2 (jour.): performance evaluation in case of adding one more condition about multi-task interference (in progress)
[A] title 3 (jour.): simulation: compare proposed scheme to conventional routing schemes (still in progress).
[B] title 4 (new conf.): Problem formulation: mechanism of handoff in the specific network.

Made ppt file for ATC conference and will submit before 14/10
Find suitable ticket for Vietnam trip

Project Progress


15% Progress
Last Week's Project

still waiting for Samsung Thales

This Week's Project

still waiting for Samsung Thales

Monthly Goals

have a successful trip in ATC conference
finish journal paper title 3

Annual Goals

2 journal SCI papers