

4월 8, 2013 - 4월 14, 2013


QoS Policy Configuration Algorithm for Reliable Communications in DDS (test case : combat management system)

30% Progress
Last Week's Progress

studied :
* multi-agent information inferencing fusion for integrated information system

* DDS reliable communication (ch10and ch11 of DDS manual)


dds communication


Received review of TII submission (Discovery Protocol): rejected,
Major comment :
*the paper is too technical to become journal paper
*need to define problem more clearly
*need more scientific content (formal derivation, and formal proof)
*make naval warship as one of the example (not the main topic of the paper)

* there is some information missing in the paper

Corrected :
added the missing information (explanation of the figures, terms used in the paper)
corrected the typos
*tried to retrim and rewrite the problem formulation

This Week Todo's

add simulation,
add basic concept and foundation of the proposed algorithm,

resubmit discovery protocol paper

Project Progress


95% Progress
Last Week's Project

make new installation package of the demo version

make manual (guide) for
*set up xampp (as db server)
*set up sql database
*run the MOMAT program

This Week's Project

finishing the debugging process
especially for deletion process

Monthly Goals

finish simulation

Annual Goals