Title 1. (Conf.) An Efficient DDS Node Discovery Scheme in Unstable Large-Scale Networks. (ICC 2015/INDIN 2015)
Title 2. (Jour.) Node Discovery Scheme of DDS using Dynamic Bloom Filters (IEEE Trans. Industrial Informatics)
Title 3. (Jour.) Efficient routing in interference-aware cognitive radio networks (AEU - International Journal Electronics and Communications)
[B]. Title 1.
- Implement Parallel Dynamic Bloom Filters on Java
- Create simulation results about latency comparison of SDP-Bloom, SDP-DynamicBloom, and SDP-PDBF
- Create Proposed scheme section
[C]. Title 2.
- Extend the related works section.
[A]. Title 3.
- Convert and fix latex error of the manuscript according to AEU style.
[B]. Title 1.
- Create simulation results section.
[C]. Title 2.
- Submit the paper
[A]. Title 3.
- Submit the paper
MOMAT server
- Fix window restructurization problem (done)
- Fix GUI bug errors
- Fix GUI bug errors (continued)
[A] Finish and Submit Efficient routing in interference-aware cognitive radio networks paper to AEU Journal
[B]. Create simulation environment for new DDS paper
2 journal SCI paper and 3 conference papers