

10월 20, 2014 - 10월 26, 2014


A. Joint Channel and Power Allocation for Underwater Cognitive Acoustic Networks, In Preparation, IEEE Journal of Ocean Engineering, 2014.
B. Joint Routing and Resource Allocation for Delay Minimization in Cognitive Radio Based Mesh Networks

65% Progress
Last Week's Progress

A. Joint Channel and Power Allocation for Underwater Cognitive Acoustic Networks
• Attend ATC conference from 15-17
• Improve problem formulation
• Extend the paper to submit journal
• Study NS-2 for simulation parts

B. Joint Routing and Resource Allocation for Delay Minimization in Cognitive Radio Based Mesh Networks
• Reviewing paper:
+ Amr A. El-Sherif,Member, IEEE,and Amr Mohamed,Member, IEEE, "Joint Routing and Resource Allocation for Delay Minimization in Cognitive Radio Based Mesh Networks", IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS, VOL. 13, NO. 1, JANUARY 2014
• Find new ideal for new paper

This Week Todo's

A. Joint Channel and Power Allocation for Underwater Cognitive Acoustic Networks
• Rewrite Introduction part
• Improve problem formulation
• Extend the paper to submit journal

B. Joint Routing and Resource Allocation for Delay Minimization in Cognitive Radio Based Mesh Networks
• Reviewing paper:
+ Amr A. El-Sherif,Member, IEEE,and Amr Mohamed,Member, IEEE, "Joint Routing and Resource Allocation for Delay Minimization in Cognitive Radio Based Mesh Networks", IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS, VOL. 13, NO. 1, JANUARY 2014
• Find new ideal for new paper

Project Progress

Modelling of marine engines in ship propulsion control system

10% Progress
Last Week's Project

- Study Matlab Simulink
- Build some model examples

This Week's Project

- Continue to study Matlab Simulink

Monthly Goals

A. Joint Channel and Power Allocation for Underwater Cognitive Acoustic Networks
• Submit to journal

B. Successfully finish part of project

Annual Goals

A. Submit paper to international conference and journal
B. Finish project