

3월 11, 2024 - 3월 15, 2024


Title 1: Electric Vehicle-to-Grid (V2G) Net-Metering Prediction based on Federated Learning
Target: IEEE Transaction on Smart Grids / Status: Processing

Title 2: Comprehensive Regression Ensemble-Model Approach for Predictive Vehicle Maintenance in Auto Dealerships
Target: IET / International Journal of Automotive Technology / Status: Processing

Title 3: Blockchain-based Reward System for Federated Intrusion Detection System Clients in IEC 104 Smart Grid
Target: IEEE Transaction on Smart Grids / Status: Processing

75% Progress
Last Week's Progress

Title 3: Narrow down Research Gap / Introduction

This Week Todo's

Title 3: Table Survey / Finish FL development / System Model

Project Progress

UI / UX Design for App Development

100% Progress
Last Week's Project

Software Dev (AI in Service):
Finalize wireframe - list of pages for UI / UX development of mobile app.

Hyperledger Implementation:
Study Chainlink Documentation

This Week's Project

Software Dev (AI in Service):
Figma Study + UI

Hyperledger Implementation:
Finalize Chainlink Documentation, Deploy Chainlink Node, Run Decentralized Oracle Network

Monthly Goals

1. Complete Hyperledger Fabric Deployment using Chainlink
2. Finish Thesis FL Result
3. Finish Thesis Blockchain Result
4. Submit Journal

Annual Goals

1. To attend at least 2 conferences (2/2) - KICS Winter, ICAIIC
2. Submit and publish one SCI Journal (0/1)
3. Finish Thesis