Weekly Report Detail (Post Doc)


5월 7, 2021 - 5월 13, 2021


Topic 1: Introducing 5G+ at 28GHz mmWave Test-bed (Survey)
Topic 2: Resource Management for Fog Computing-based Reinforcement Learning: Perspectives and Challenges. (IEEE Internet of Things Journal; Special Issue)
Topic 3: Machine learning-enabled Next Generation Sustainable Industrial IoT: Current Trends, Challenges, and Future Directions. (IEEE IoT Journal Special Issue on Cloud/Fog/Edge-enabled Big Data Intelligence for IoE) Maybe can be another special issue.
Topic 4: Comparing H.265/HEVC and VP9: Impact of High Frame Rates on the Perceptual Quality of Compressed Videos (IEEE/ACM Transaction on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing).
Topic 5: Comparison of SARA Versus RW-TVfor Compressive Sensing of computed tomography.

Project Progress

Update on the above topics
Topic 1: Prototype that includes the structure of the paper.
Organization of the paper = Done.
Introduction, Related work, Detail of the implementation with hardware
and future goals for devices as tabular form, the contribution of the
work and measurement results = Finished with Organization along with material input while results explanation need to be discussed more.
Topic 2: Section will be shared with Dr. Hoa as it's done and then we can make a performance table for the respective section. The writing part of respective section V is done.
Topic 3: Prototype that includes the structure of the paper.
Organization of the paper = Done.
Topic 4: Missing results 80% done i.e., Bjontegaard delta (BD) bit-rate saving and encoder settings now finished.

Monthly Goals

1. Finishing the paper writing part and checking other testbeds. (Topic 1)
1. The target is to submit Topic 4 by end of this month. IEEE/ACM Transaction on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing.

Annual Goals

2 SCI/SCIE paper
A conference