Weekly Report Detail (Post Doc)


5월 2, 2022 - 5월 4, 2022


Title 1:ICTE-D-22-00143, (With Editor).
Title 2:MEASEN-D-22-00052, (Under Review).
Title 3:Sensors-47352-2022, (In-Revision).
Title 4: Metaverse paper for creativia (Dong-Seong Kim and Cosmas) (Conference version 85% In progress)
Title 5: Vulnerability Analysis and Detection in IIoT( 60% in progress)

Project Progress

Second Authored works in NSL and ICTCRC
Title 1: ICTE-D-21-00585, (under review).
Title 2: IoT-20662-2021. (under review).
Title 3: IoT-23106-2022, (Under review).
Title 4: IoT-23193-2022, (under review).
Title 5: TPWRS-00183-2022, (Under Review).
Title 6: ADHOC-D-22-00135, (Under Review).
Title 7: T-ITS-22-03-0721, (Awaiting AE Assignment)
Title 8: COMNET-D-22-00420, (With Editor).
Title 9: T-ITS-22-03-0723, (Awaiting Reviewer Assignment)
Title 10: Access-2022-03435, (Under review: Second Revision).
Title 11: ITSM-22-03-0051, (Awaiting Review Score).
Title 12: ICTE-D-22-00143, (With Editor).
Title 13: IFS-2022-04-0057, (Out of scope).
Title 14: TNSM-2022-05110, (under review)

Monthly Goals

1. Conclude the MOU with three Nigerian Universities (95%). (Waiting for Professors' signature)
2. Host the first Metaverse workshop coming up in May 2022 (100%)
3. Secure a collaboration meeting with at least one agency or arm of government in Nigeria (60%).
4. prepare and populate content on the Creativia website (95% done)

Annual Goals

1. Submission of three journal articles with at least one (1) Acceptance.
2. 50% increase in the number of NSL graduate students' papers accepted in SCIE journals (Acceptance target of 18 papers minimum)
3. Attracting and Training skilled international graduate students
4. Attend at least one (1) International Conference
5. Achieve at least one (1) International Collaboration (Africa or Nigeria) with ICTCRC.