Weekly Report Detail (Post Doc)


4월 19, 2021 - 4월 23, 2021


1. IEEE Access, "Deep Learning-based Robust Automatic Modulation Classification for Cognitive Radio Networks" under review

2. KICS, having been accepted, Awaiting final submission.

3. IEEE Access, preparing a Remain Useful Life (RUL) paper.

4. IEEE Access, preparing an Automatic Modulation Classification (AMC) paper.

5. Prepare the paper presentation on JCCI 2021, (2021.04.29 - 2021.04.30)

Project Progress

1. Deal with the NRF BP project, dead line(2021.06.30)

2. Deal with the NRF Vietnam-Korea project, deadline(2021.05.25)

3. Deal with etc. documents

Monthly Goals

1. Finish the Hanwha system proposal

2. Finish simulation works

Annual Goals

1. Two SCI/E papers are published