Weekly Report Detail (Post Doc)


6월 27, 2022 - 6월 29, 2022


Title 1:ICTE-D-22-00143,
A Review of Thermal Array Sensor-Based Activity Detection in Smart Spaces, ICT Express. 100%
-(Under Review).

Title 2: Language Translator Module for Metaverse Virtual Assistant, KICS Summer 2022. 100%
- Accepted.
- Uploaded PPT and Video
- Reservation, Registration, Flight and Bus booking.
- Attend and present paper at Poster in Metaverse (Gather town)
-Submitted conference report and now waiting for publication on DBpia

Title 3: MEASEN-D-22-00052,
Modified Random Forest-based Activity Detection using Thermal Sensor Array, Elsevier Measurement journal, (In-Revision). 60%
- working on the review comments to enhance the paper.
- learning the algorithm to improve the performance of the classification.

Title 4: Metaverse paper for creativia (Dong-Seong Kim and Cosmas) (Conference version 95% In progress) 85%
~ deadline is 2022.06.30
~ complete the conference version as directed by Professor Kim.

Title 5: Vulnerability Analysis and Detection in IIoT( 65% in progress: Stopped for Revision of two journals

Project Progress

Second Authored works in NSL and ICTCRC

Title 1: Access-2022-03435,
Key Wearable Device Technologies Parameters for Innovative Healthcare Delivery in B5G Network: A Review, (Published:2022.05.09, 10.1109/ACCESS.2022.3173643). 100%
Specific action: None

Title 2: ICTE-D-21-00585,
Novel Hyper-Tuned Ensemble Random Forest Algorithm for the Detection of False Basic Safety Messages in Internet of Vehicles, (Accepted: 2022.06.07). 100%
Specific Action: Submitted Camera ready, LaTeX file, copyright and payment.
- Paper now online on 2022.06.19
- Pre-proof on-going

Title 3: ITS-2022-04-0154, (Major Revision: Resubmitted: 2022.06.10)
Prospects and Challenges of Metaverse Application in Data-Driven Intelligent Transportation Systems. 100%
Specific action: Resubmitted revised copy.

Title 4: ADHOC-D-22-00135, (Minor Revision).
Optimization of RBF-SVM Kernel using Grid Search Algorithm for Detecting DDoS Attack in SDN-Based VANET. 100%
Specific action:
-responding to all review comments and trying to simulate with new datasets
- Ensuring all response to review is well articulated and ready for submission 2022.07.28.

Title 5: JCN22-DIV3-040
Classification and Characterization of Encoded Traffic in SCADA Network using Hybrid Deep Learning Scheme. 100%
~Submitted : 2022.06.21
-Under review

Smart Factory Floor Monitoring using UWB Sensor, IET Science, Measurement & Technology, Accepted
Specific Action:
- Sent final version for publication
- created Bushra on Willey and managing the pre-proof mails.

Monthly Goals

1. Conclude the MOU with three Nigerian Universities (95%). (Benson Idahosa University and University of Ilorin Signed. Waiting for Babcock University)
2. Prepare certificates for speakers and key participants to the Metaverse workshop held in May 2022 (100%)
3. Secure a collaboration meeting with at least one agency or arm of government in Nigeria (60%).
4. Resubmit the IET-ITS Major Revision Paper in 2022.06.10 (100%)
5. Submit and ensure Bushra's paper is published in June 2022
6. Upload KICS PPT and Video and Present KICS paper in "Poster in Metaverse"
7. Ensure ICT Express accepted paper is published.
8. Ensure a resubmission of the revisions (Access and Ad-hoc papers) are resubmitted

Annual Goals

1. Conclude the MOU with three Nigerian Universities (95%). (Waiting for Babcock University and Professors' signature)
2. Host the first Metaverse workshop in May 25-26 2022 (100%)
3. Secure a collaboration meeting with at least one agency or arm of government in Nigeria (60%).
4. Prepare and populate content on the Creativia website (100% done)
5. Ensure Accepted NSL Papers are fully Published. (8/18 achieved)
6. First author in 1 SCI journal.
7. Second author in numerous SCI papers of NSL.