Weekly Report Detail (Post Doc)


June 27, 2022 - June 29, 2022


Title 1: COM-2021-07-0270 - IET Comm. - under review (100%)
Title 2: TCCN-TPS-22-0132 - IEEE TCCN. - under review (100%)
Title 3: TNSM-2022-05102 - IEEE TNetw. - under review (100%)
Title 4: Manuscript ID: 3169 - DASC 2022 (Accepted April 2022) - (100%)

Title 5: 16968 - Summer KICS 2022 (Accepted May 2022) - (100%)
- Attended KICS conference from 2022.06.22 to 2022.06.24.
- Prepared and submitted KICS reports.

Title 6: Time-Frequency based Physical Resource Block (PRB) Sensors for Indoor Radio Frequency Channel Beamforming (Q1: PATENT APPLICATION) - Submitted (100%)
- Awaiting feedbacks on the application results.

Title 7: Radar Communication System Recalibration using ML-based Unscented Kalman Filtering Model. IEEE APCC 2022. - (100%)
- Paper was successfully submitted and is awaiting review comments.

Title 8: Low-Power FACTS for SVCs - IEEE Trans. (on-going) - 70%
- THIS WEEK: Problem formulation and System model.
- NEXT WEEK: System model and results.

Title 9:Survey works on combat Avionics - IEEE Magazine (on-going) - 60%
- Pending

Project Progress

Titles [1], [2], [3], & [7]: - (UNDER REVIEW PROCESS).
- Awaiting review comments.

Title [4] & [5]: - (ACCEPTED).
- Awaiting publications.

- Awaiting decision.

Titles [8]: - (IN-PROGRESS)
- THIS WEEK: Problem formulation and System model.
- NEXT WEEK: System model and results.

Paper survey works in progress.

Monthly Goals

[1]. Detailing and investigating all my essential simulation and testbed working tools.
[2]. Working with PostDoc colleagues and NSL Members on current R&D project works.

Annual Goals

CURRENT ANNUAL ACHIEVEMENTS - [Sept. 2021 - Aug. 2022]:
Title 1: IEEE Access-2021-24847. [IEEE Access] [PUBLISHED Sept. 2021].
Title 2: IEEE-ICTC International Conference, [PUBLISHED Dec. 2021].
Title 3: IEEE TCAD-2021-0394 [IEEE Transactions on CAD] [PUBLISHED Jan. 2022].
Title 4: IEEE Sensors-38710-2021. [IEEE Sensor Journal] [PUBLISHED March 2022]
Title 5: IEEE/AIAA DASC 2022 [ACCEPTED April 2022].
Title 6: 16968 - Domestic KICS (Summer) 2022 Conference (Accepted May 2022).

[1]. Two (2) SCI/E Journal publications.
[2]. Submissions to numerous domestic/international conferences.