Weekly Report Detail (Post Doc)


6월 27, 2022 - 7월 1, 2022


Accepted Journal:
Paper 01: IoMT-Net, IEEE Internet Things of Journal, (Early Access), May 2022, doi: 10.1109/JIOT.2022.3176310 [100%]

Paper 02: Multitasking UAV Surveillance System [ICUFN Conf.] (Accept) [100%]
- Next week I will prepare presentation slide to attend the Conference.

Paper 03: Convolution Neural Network Inspired Mine Recognition for USS. [KICS summer, 2022](Accept) [100%]
- Last week I attend the KICS conference.
-Business trip from 2022/06/22 to 2022/06/24.

Paper in Progress (First Author)
Paper 04: Undersea Acoustic Target Detection Using CNN. [IEEE TII] [75%] (In progress)
- Last week I calculated MFLOPs for various configuration of my proposed CNN model .
- Perform two more simulation works.
- This week, I will complete 50% of the simulation work.
Paper 05: Low-Complexity Convolution Neural Network for Drone Detection- Sensing RF Signal (IEEE IoT) (In progress) [90%]
-After the completion of title 04, I will update this paper and submit the journal.

Paper 06: Anti-Drone Design Techniques and Technology- A Survey [IEEE Access] (In progress)[10%]
Paper 07: Vision-based Drone Surveillance System Using CNN. [TVT] (In progress)[10%]

Project Progress

Co-Author Paper:
Paper 08: DNN for DDoS Attack Detection and Classification [IEE-TNSM][10%] (In Progress)
Paper 09: An Efficient Hybrid-DNN for DDoS Detection and Classification in Software-Defined IIoT Networks (Major revision) (IEEEIOT Journal)
- Two comments of the second reviewer is done.
- Compiling the comments.
- This week I will add more information and recheck the two comments again.

Paper 10:
Blockchain Inspired Intruder UAV Localization Using Lightweight CNN for Internet of Battlefield Things (MILCOM-2022) [50%] (In progress)
- Last week write ML part in the introduction section.
- This week complete the system model section.

Monthly Goals

-Complete paper 04 and submit to the journal (Almost 70% task complete)
- Target 01, 02, 03 completed
- Complete ICTC paper and submit it.
-Complete Paper 9 & paper 10
- submit paper 10 to the MILCOM conference

Annual Goals

1. Acceptance from 2 SCI Journals.
- Target journal 01, 04 and 05
2. Participate 2 International Conferences.

[Already received one acceptance from IEEE IoT journal]
[Participate ICUFN and ICTC 2022 conference]