Weekly Report Detail (Post Doc)


5월 21, 2021 - 5월 27, 2021


1. Regional Innovation at ICT Convergence Research Center (Magazine Paper).
2. Learning-based Resource Management for Low-power and Lossy IoT Networks, IEEE Transaction, (Finalized, ready to submit).
3. Reinforcement Learning-based Resource Management for Fog Computing Environment:
Perspectives and Challenges (Survey-IEEE Internet of things Journal).
4. Machine Learning-enabled Next Generation Sustainable Industries of Future
(IoF)/ Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT)/ Smart Manufacturing Industries: Current Trends, Challenges, and Future Challenges (Magazine paper).
5. Federated learning framework for Intelligent IoT Networks, KICS Summer 2021 (Submitted).

Project Progress

Worked on the following topics:
1. R&D at ICT Convergence research center
A. Realistic remote control system project
B. Prognostic and health management system (PHM)
C. Prediction for combat and disaster
D. Smart storage system in ICT-CRC
E. Civil-Military ICT Convergence Technology for Smart IoT Platform

2. Federated learning framework for Intelligent IoT Networks
A. Federated learning mechanism
B. Results and Simulation

3. Learning-based Resource Management for Low-power and Lossy IoT Networks
A. Experimental results and analysis

4. Reinforcement Learning-based Resource Management for Fog Computing Environment: Perspectives and Challenges

Monthly Goals

1. Finalize a draft for Regional Innovation at ICT Convergence Research Center (magazine paper).
2. Finalize an initial draft of the paper (3) with Dr. Tran, Dr. Tariq, and Dr. Sanjay.
3. Finalize final draft for paper (2).

Annual Goals