Weekly Report Detail (Post Doc)


12월 27, 2022 - 12월 30, 2022


Title 1:ICTE-D-22-00143 ~~ 100%
-(Under Review).

Title 2: ICMIC 2022,
- Published

Title 3: Metaverse Conference paper for creativia (Dong-Seong Kim and Cosmas)
~ Published ICTC 2022.

Title 4: IEEE ITED-2022
~Accepted 2022.10.18
~Camera Ready copy to be resubmitted 2022.10.22
~ Attended Conference and used it for Collaboration for Imo State Government, Nigeria 2022.11.1~3

Title 5: applsci-2128497
~Survey Paper in collaboration with authors from Canada and Nigeria.
~Under review

Title 6: Survey paper in collaboration with Dr. Hoa and Professor Kim on "5G+ Networks..."
~Submitted for English Correction Service 2022.12.23

Title 7: Survey paper in collaboration with Dr. Kim on "Neuromorphic Computing"
~ 20% in progress

Project Progress

Second Authored works in NSL and ICT-CRC

Title 1: Access-2022-03435,
Published:2022.05.09, 10.1109/ACCESS.2022.3173643

Title 2: ICTE-D-21-00585,
Published: 2022.06.19, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.icte.2022.06.003

Title 3: ITS-2022-04-0154
Published: 2022.08.06, https://doi.org/10.1049/itr2.12252

Title 4: IoT-23106-2022,
-Published: 2022.08.18, https://doi.org/10.1109/JIOT.2022.3199712

Title 5: ADHOC-D-22-00135,
-Published: 2022.11.24, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.adhoc.2022.103026

Title 6: IoT-D-22-00330, (Accepted)
~ Publication production 2022.12.21.

Title 7: T-ITS-22-03-0723, (Accepted)
- Awaiting AE Decision

Title 8: JCN22-DIV3-055, (Major revision resubmitted)
~Awating Reviewer Scores

Title 9: IoT-26497-2022.R1, (Minor Revision Resubmitted)
- Awaiting Decision

Title 10: COMST-00569-20222
~Under review

Monthly Goals

1. Publication of all accepted papers (100%).
2. Continue academic collaboration with Nigerian Universities.
3. Submit paper with Dr. Hoa to target journal
4. Complete the NRF proposal writing
5. Follow up on new direction based on the rejected proposal of KORIL

Annual Goals

1. Conclude the MOU with Nigerian Universities (100%).
2. Host the first Metaverse workshop on May 25-26 2022 (100%)
3. Secure a collaboration meeting with at least one agency or arm of government in Nigeria (100%).
4. Prepare and populate content on the Creativia website (100% done)
5. Ensure Accepted NSL Papers are fully Published. (100%)
6. First author in 1 SCI journal (100%).
7. Second author in numerous SCI papers of NSL (8 Achieved).
8. Submit at least a research grant proposal (100%).