Weekly Report Detail (Post Doc)


4월 10, 2023 - 4월 16, 2023


Paper research
Title 1:ICTE-D-22-00143 ~~ 100%
-(Under Review).

Title 2: applsci-2128497, ~~100%
- Published: 2023.01.17
Appl. Sci. 2023, 13(3), 1252; https://doi.org/10.3390/app13031252

Title 3: XAI for Networked Robotic Systems for Smart Factory (Idea stage for the UK collaboration)
-- Still searching for ideas.

Project Progress

2023.03.01~ 2024.02.28

Title 1: https://doi.org/10.3390/app13031252 (First Author)
Published: 2023.01.17

Title 2: T-ITS-22-03-0723,
- Published: 2023.04.09, https://doi.org/10.1109/TITS.2022.3233536

Title 3: ADHOC-D-22-00135,
-Published: 2023.03.01, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.adhoc.2022.103026

Title 4: IoT-23106-2022,
-Published: 2022.08.18, https://doi.org/10.1109/JIOT.2022.3199712

Title 5: IOT-D-22-00330R1,
-Published: 2022.12.27, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.iot.2022.100676

Title 6: IoT-26497-2022.R1, (Accepted with Minor Revision)
-Published: 2023.01.18, https://doi.org/10.1109/JIOT.2023.3237797

Yet to be Published:

Title 7: JCN22-DIV3-055 (Major Revision)
~Awaiting Reviewer Scores

Title 8: IOTMAG-23-00086 (Love)
-Under Review

Title 9: TII-23-0127 (Love)
-Awaiting Reviewer Scores

Title 10: IoT-28533-2023 (Love)
-Under Review

Title 11: IoT-D-23-00055 (Love)
-Editor Invited

Title 12: IoT-D-23-00023 (Vivian)
-Under Review

Title 13: KICS Journal (Vivian)
-Under Review

Title 12: KICS Journal (Kim)
-Under Review

Monthly Goals

Monthly goals
1. Submit IEEE ComGrid Conference in the UK (85%).
2. Continue Academic International collaboration meetings with Nigerian Universities, TrigoPi Israel, and Horizon Project (100%).
3. Ensure a resubmission of all revised papers - (100%)
4. Follow up on ICT express paper under review (90%)

Annual Goals

1. Continue working with Nigerian Universities on metaverse (100%).
2. Host the second Metaverse workshop: (Suspended for too many workloads. )
3. Secure a collaboration meeting with at least one more US or UK university (15%).
4. Prepare and submit one Magazine paper based on the Creativia platform (Waiting for the NRF result first)
5. Ensure Accepted NSL Papers are fully Published. (7/30 achieved)
6. First author in 1 SCI journal (100%).
7. Second author in numerous SCI papers of NSL (100%) (12 Achieved).
8. Secure and submit NRF Proposal (100%)